Attaching Your Work to a Branch or Leaf of the Tree of Life
treehouse builders toolkit
In most cases, in order for your treehouse to be published on the ToL it must be attached to a group of organism(s) on the Tree of Life that has a ToL branch or leaf page. Likewise, in order for you to use a media file (image, movie or sound) in your treehouse, you will need to upload it to the ToL database and attach it to a group of organisms. The links on this page will help you understand why you need to attach your work and how to do it.

Treehouses must be linked to branch and leaf pages, which provide the structural backbone for the ToL project, in order for them to be accessible to visitors to the Tree of Life.
- Background Information on Attaching Your Work
- Learn about how Tree of Life is organized and why we need you to attach your work. Understanding the structure of the Tree of Life will make figuring out where to attach your treehouses and media much easier.
- Where should I attach my treehouse and media contributions?
- Get help with figuring out where to attach your work on the Tree of Life.
- Help with Scientific Names
- To attach your treehouses and media to the ToL you will need to know the scientific names of the groups of organisms that your work is about. This page will help you easily find the scientific name of the species or groups of organisms that you are studying by using resources on the ToL and elsewhere.