- Arms
- Arm suckers with oblique aperatures on inner rings and smooth inner margins (Agassizii, 1881b). The syntype in the NMNH is in poor condition. One arm sucker was examined with the scanning electron microscope (see below). On the distal margin of a hint of dentition can be detected. We believe that the suckers that Agassizii examined had been damaged by the fixative so that the dentition was virtually lost. No squids of the M. agassizii group have since been taken from the general region of the type locality with smooth arm sucker rings.
Click on an image to view larger version & data in a new windowFigure. Oral view of sucker of M. agassizii from middle of a lateral arm. Drawing from Verrill (1881b). Middle - Oblique side view of sucker 6 from arm III of a syntype, NMNH 574642 (33°35'N, 76°00'W). Right - Sucker 8 from arm III of an M. agassizii taken near the type locality (37°15'N, 73°54'W).
- Arm suckers with oblique aperatures on inner rings and smooth inner margins (Agassizii, 1881b). The syntype in the NMNH is in poor condition. One arm sucker was examined with the scanning electron microscope (see below). On the distal margin of a hint of dentition can be detected. We believe that the suckers that Agassizii examined had been damaged by the fixative so that the dentition was virtually lost. No squids of the M. agassizii group have since been taken from the general region of the type locality with smooth arm sucker rings.
- Tentacles
- Tentacles shaped like "whip-lash." Club covers half of tentacle length. Club base with scattered suckers mostly in two series for some distance. (Verrill, 1881b).
- Club suckers with circular aperature often with 2-3 teeth on one side (Verrill, 1881b).
Figure. Tentacular club of M. agassizii. Left - Aboral view of a portion of the club. Right - Various views of club suckers. Drawings from Verrill (1881b).
- Funnel locking-apparatus
- Funnel locking apparatus: "...earshaped, elevated cartilage, on each side, fitting into corresponding deep, circumscribed pits..." (Verrill, 1881b).
Click on an image to view larger version & data in a new window
Figure. Funnel/mantle locking-apparatus of M. agassizii, syntypes. Left - Lateral view of the head and funnel showing the funnel locking-apparatus and a portion of the mantle reflected back to reveal a frontal view of the mantle component. Drawing from Verrill (1881b). Middle - Frontal view of the right funnel locking-apparatus, syntype, NMNH 551211. Right - Frontal view of the left funnel locking-apparatus, syntype, NMNH 551211.
- Measurements and counts
Squid Syntype Syntype NMNH 814828
32°02'N, 78°59'W
Deep Dump 106
37°15'N, 73°54'W
Sex Imm. female Imm. female Mantle length 85 72 Mantle width -- Fin length with tail -- Fin length without tail 53 45 Fin width 54 57 Head width 18 21 Eye diameter 10.5 13 Arm I length 50.5 34.5 Arm II length 64.5 44 Arm III length 62.5 42.5 Arm IV length 144 92 Eyelid photophore length/width -- -- Tentacle length -- 191 Club length (% of tentacle length) -- 70% Club sucker diam. -- -- Arm sucker diam. -- --
Mastigoteuthis agassizii: Type description with notes on the syntype and squid from type locality
Michael Vecchione and Richard E. YoungAbout This Page
National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D. C. , USA
University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI, USA
Correspondence regarding this page should be directed to Michael Vecchione at and Richard E. Young at
Page copyright © 2006 and
Page: Tree of Life
Mastigoteuthis agassizii: Type description with notes on the syntype and squid from type locality
Authored by
Michael Vecchione and Richard E. Young.
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