Axel Schönhofer- Nipponopsalis abei (Sato & Suzuki 1939) Martens & Suzuki 1966
- Nipponopsalis coreana (Suzki 1966) Martens & Suzuki 1966
- Nipponopsalis yezoensis (Suzuki 1958) Martens & Suzuki 1966
Superficially similar in external appearance to the European Ischyropsalis and North American Taracus, the south-east Asian genus Nipponopsalis was established by Martens and Suzuki (1966) and later elevated to family level (Martens 1976). Within the Troguloidea, Nipponopsalis is unique for its male genital morphology. The penial glans is separated in three branches, two of which enclose the central one with the stylus. The external branches are pulled back by the internal muscles and are probably readjusted by membraneous pockets that can be inflated by haemolymph pressure. Nipponopsalis appears isolated within the Troguloidea for this peculiar penial morphology that is support by molecular studies (Giribet et al. 2010). In comparison with Taracus and Ischyropsalis, Nipponopsalis differs in the composition of the sternal area, the spination of the chelicerae and in size, which is considerably smaller in average (2-3 mm). Species are known from Korea and Japan and have been collected under logs, from fern roots and in caves.
Giribet, G., L. Vogt, A. Pérez González, P. Sharma and A. B. Kury. 2010. A multilocus approach to harvestman (Arachnida: Opiliones) phylogeny with emphasis on biogeography and the systematics of Laniatores. Cladistics 26:408-437.
Martens, J., and S. Suzuki. 1966. Zur Systematischen Stellung Ostasiatischer Ischyropsalididen-Arten (Arachnoidea, Opiliones, Ischyropsalididae). Annotationes Zoologicae Japonensis 39(4):215-221.
Martens, J. 1976. Genitalmorphologie, System und Phylogenie der Weberknechte (Arachnida: Opiliones). Entomologica Germanica 3(1/2):51-68.
About This Page
Many thanks to Angela DiDomenico for the final English check.
Axel Schönhofer
San Diego States University, San Diego, California, USA
Correspondence regarding this page should be directed to Axel Schönhofer at
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. Nipponopsalis . Axel Schönhofer .
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- First online 08 July 2012
- Content changed 08 July 2012
Citing this page:
Schönhofer , Axel. 2012. Nipponopsalididae in The Tree of Life Web Project,
. Nipponopsalis . Version 08 July 2012 (under construction).